
Adopta un catelus

joi, 2 februarie 2012

URGENT! Catelusi metis brac, 6 sapt, cauta casa!(EN below)


CONTACT: darianvn750@yahoo.com
Rasa: Metis Brac
Nascuti: ~15 dec. 2011
Gen: 2 femele si 3 masculi
Acesti 5 pui, metisi de brac german, au fost gasiti intr-o cutie la intrarea in parcul Cismigiu. Un OM, dintre toate persoanele care au trecut pe langa ei, i-a vazut si nu a putut trece nepasator, i-a luat, i-a dus la cabinetul Anavet pentru consult si apoi i-a luat in cazare temporara. Cei Cinci Magnifici cauta fiecare o familie, care sa ii iubeasca si care sa le arate ca nu toti oamenii arunca caini in strada la temperaturi de -20 grade Celsius. Puii sunt un pic slabiti, dar nu au niciun fel de probleme de sanatate si sunt obisnuiti cu presuletele absorbante.

Fotografii aici: https://​picasaweb.google.com/​106867936030037442202/​5PuiMetisBrac#
Breed: German Bracke Mix
Date of Birth: ~15 dec. 2011
gender: 2 femele si 3 masculi
These 5 pups were found in a cardboard box at the entrance to a park. A MAN, amongst all people who walked by, couldn't pass them by not caring, took them to the vet for a consult and is now fostering them. The fantastic 5 are each looking for a family to love them and for someone to prove to them, that not everybody throws pups out in the cold at minus 20 degrees Celsius. The puppies are weakened, but they are otherwise healthy and they seem to know how to use pet pads.
Photos here: https://​picasaweb.google.com/​106867936030037442202/​5PuiMetisBrac# — with Fetita 1.

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